Daylight Saving Time Ends, Sunday, November 5, 2023, 2 a.m.

(C) 2023, Isaiah Jacobs

I don’t know about you, but I have no interest in getting up at 2 a.m. to do anything, much less, change my clocks back by an hour. I will start changing the clocks that I don’t use on a regular basis throughout the day today. I started this morning after I got up by changing the bedroom alarm clock. By day’s end, all the clocks are changed.

In some ways, I am anxious for the fall weather to finally set in. I began working out at a Wellness Center this year, more on that in another post, and I’ve noticed that I am feeling much better than I was. I’m interested in finding out how much the workouts have helped the neurological aspects of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) that cause me not to enjoy the cold weather. Of course, there are other things that may lead to a lack of enjoyment. I’ll figure it out.

Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday, March 12, 2023

(C) 2023, Isaiah Jacobs

Daylight Saving Time begins tomorrow. When I was working in an office, this was one of my favorite days of the year because it meant I could spend more time outside after work.

Now that I am retired, it really doesn’t matter to me because I can be outside anytime of the day that I want. I just anxiously wait for the warmer weather to settle in for the season so I can be outside!

Remember, set your clocks ahead one hour before bed Saturday evening, March 11. You don’t want to miss church on Sunday!

Daylight Saving Time Ends

(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs

This Sunday, November 5, at 2 a.m. is the designated time we are all supposed to get up from our warm comfy beds and go throughout the house changing our clocks back one hour to 1 a.m. so we will be on time to church and other important activities in our lives going forward. Ain’t happening in my household… once I am comfortable in my bed… I am comfortable in my bed, I’m not moving to change clocks. I’ll start on Saturday morning by changing the non-essential clocks to finally changing the rest at bedtime. Back one hour. I’ll get my extra hour of sleep either way.

For the first time in my life, or as far back as I can remember, I am almost welcoming the cooler weather season, the end of daylight saving time, and the shortened daylight hours. When I told my wife that, she looked at me as if I was ill and was ready to take me to the hospital emergency room. Why?

I love the warm weather. From spring to late fall I love every second of it. I want to be outside and the more I can be outside the happier I am. It’s been this way forever!

Why the change this year? I think it’s because I have been very busy with yard and garden work from late April to about mid-August. Last year, after I moving into a house in the country, I immediately began working on the garden and yard removing mulch and expanding the planting areas. This year, I planted around 200 hundred perennials and annuals. Also, I spread ninety bags of mulch. In the middle of all this awesome work, I got to mow around two acres of my yard. This fall, before the hard frost, I’m busy planting several tree saplings in my backyard which I hope to “re-forest” or return to nature for the local wildlife to enjoy and around fifty spring bulbs. I think I’m ready to enjoy the cooler weather with my hobbies.

Don’t forget- turn the clock back ONE HOUR so you are not late to church and other activities tomorrow.

Daylight Saving Time Arrives – Tomorrow

(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs

My favorite time of year is coming soon. Tomorrow begins Daylight Saving Time at 3 a.m. Of course, I think I will sleep right through it until time to get up for church at 6 a.m.

This is my favorite time of year because it means if we have snow or other wintry weather, it will melt sooner than in the winter months, warmer days are coming, and I happen to enjoy the extra hours of sunlight at the end of the day. Before I retired, I especially enjoyed it because I could come home from work and enjoy the outdoors a few hours before dark. Also, it meant days off in warm weather were coming soon!

Tonight before bed, turn the clocks one hour forward. “Spring Forward!”

Daylight Saving Time Begins!

(C) 2021, Isaiah Jacobs

A-h-h-h-h Spring! According to the calendar, the first day of Spring is next Saturday, March 20! Tomorrow begins Daylight Saving Time once again! For that, I am happy! Why? It usually means the really cold weather is gone, no more snow or ice storms, and warmer weather is on the way. We have had some snowstorms in late March, I remember a few in early April too, but they melt away very fast- a great way to celebrate snow, here today and gone tomorrow.

Being retired from a career of 33 years and having more time at home, my schedule has changed to where I can be outside more than ever before. The time change means the days will be warmer soon and I can get out with my dog to enjoy whenever I want which is a blessing!

Don’t forget-

Spring forward

One hour before bed tonight!

Daylight Saving Times Ends Sunday, November 1

Time flies these days even in the midst of a pandemic. It seems like only yesterday that we “sprang” our clocks ahead one hour in March. Now, we are “falling” back gaining the hour lost back.

What will you do with that extra hour? When I was younger, I liked to stay up later because I would get the hour back when the time changed. Now that I am 57, that is not the case! I might even go to bed earlier just to get the extra sleep.

Please share in the comments how you will use your “extra” hour.

In the meantime, remember to set the clocks back one hour!