Charcot-Marie-Tooth: My BEST Tip!

“Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee”

I have been thinking about what tip I have learned over the years living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) would be my “best tip” or “No. 1.” Or, which one would be most beneficial? I can share many tips, tricks, and hacks, but only one stands at the forefront of anything I have ever done that I would never want to be without.

What is it? Follow Jesus. I gave my life to Jesus Christ, allowing Him to take over becoming a Christian. I recommend reading the Bible, a daily devotional, attending a local Bible-believing and teaching church, and getting involved in it. Yes, simple as that. I will admit, I would absolutely NOT EVER want to fight any of the battles against Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) as I have over the past forty years without Jesus. He has been a strong comfort and encouragement beyond what I could ever explain in writing.

I had the blessing of being born into a Christian family, which doesn’t automatically make me a Christian, but it provided exposure to serving God from the day I was born. At age 6, I remember thinking I wanted to be saved from my sins like the preacher talked about. I believe I became a Christian that day, though I do not remember the date or time. In my early college years, I became concerned by something a professor said about whether I was truly a Christian. I invited Jesus into my heart again- just to be certain. 

It wasn’t until my college years that I learned how much Charcot-Marie-Tooth would affect me. The pain I had in those early years was beyond description, meaning I can tell you, or write about it, all I want, but unless you go through it, you don’t understand. I’m sure those with CMT will agree, or you will eventually.

The salvation from my sins so that I will go to heaven when I die wasn’t the only part of God’s Love that has helped me get through life. It’s His Compassion, Companionship, Love, and Desire for wanting me to be the best I can be.

I cannot remember how many times I have had pain in my feet, legs, hands, and arms and reached out to Jesus asking for His Help. Sometimes, I would just talk to Him because I knew I could trust Him to keep my secrets. Sometimes, when CMT was bothering me, I didn’t want to burden someone with my struggles, so I talked to God about them. Other times, I would get discouraged or in a funky mood about life with CMT, so I talked to God about it.  It has been truly amazing at how He reached down to provide me comfort in many ways.

In the early years of college, God told me that He would be my strength and ability if I would just trust Him. That I have. I wish I could say that I have been perfect along the way, but whenever I strayed, God always did something to remind me He was there for me.

While in college, I was teased quite a bit by the other guys. I was surprised how much this bothered me because I had already gone through it in high school and the real world as a working adult. Their goal seemed to remind me that I wasn’t physically fit like them or was only half a man because of my lack of muscle and probably how my interesting-looking feet looked. Eventually, I learned to tune most of them out. After all, I was there to get an education so I could get a better job. 

In God’s Plans of doing things, He brought a Christian man into my life to be my college roommate for the last few years of school. This guy was kinda nerdy and very smart, had polite manners, and was fun to hang out with. He was one of the first few college-age guys who treated me with respect and not some kind of problem because of my recent diagnosis with CMT. We would go on to be lifelong friends, catching up with each other in our later years, which seemed to be picking up where we left off. Ed has always been a source of encouragement and has done his best to help me see the positive in everything. In these later years, when CMT seemed to be making strides faster than I could keep up with, it’s been an awesome help to have him around to text my frustrations. This friendship may not have come together if I didn’t believe in God and become a Christian many years ago.

When I look back over the last thirty or so years, I can see where God directed my path to the right doctors, specialists, physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, a personal trainer, and a service dog. All of these came together to help me have a healthier and happier life. I know it was all God’s doing, as I couldn’t pull together such perfect medical care no matter how hard I tried. At age 60, I am using much less medication than I originally thought I would, which gives me a much more quality of life.

So, yes, becoming a Christian and following Jesus is my best tip!

Happy Birthday to Me!

(C) 2023, Isaiah Jacobs

Yes, earlier this year, I celebrated my 60th birthday, and am so happy to have reached this milestone in my life! I know, you think I am a bit crazy, right? Well, no, not really. I could get all depressed about getting another year older, but that’s a negative way of looking at things, especially the blessings in your life.

God doesn’t promise us another minute or day in this life. Every minute of every day that I live, I am thankful. It’s a gift God has given me. Sometimes, I wish I’d done more in my life, such as working in a management position in my career. Frankly, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) would have prevented me from being the best I would need to be to work in that type of role. However, I was able to work a career at the highest level that I was comfortable with and have a pension to retire. They say, I could have worked longer and made more money. I say I have had too much fun in retirement with my wife, dog, and cat to trade it for more money.

Another point for me, at 60, I am still walking. Yes, I wear braces for any distance passed a 1/2 mile. Sometimes, when I am walking on unfamiliar surfaces or known challenging terrain, I will use a cane to help with balance. However, I am not confined to a wheelchair as was the original prognosis when I was in my twenties. Sometimes, it is a bit painful to walk, but, the moments of walking with my dog are absolutely priceless, and I wouldn’t give them up for anything.

In a few weeks, my wife and I are taking off on a short trip to celebrate my 60th birthday. We’ll head to the infamous Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark, Altoona, PA, as well as some smaller towns, Lilly, Cresson, and the Portage area where I will photograph and video trains. Our meals will be at our favorite places, Texas Roadhouse and Perkins. Since neither are located near us now, we enjoy them when we can. We did this trip a few years ago and enjoyed ourselves.

My wife bought me three bluebird houses that I have had my eyes on for a while. I enjoy watching birds. Now that I own some land, I am converting part of the yard back to nature which will include a bluebird house trail. She knows my love for nature so she wanted to celebrate my 60th in a big way.

Though God told me He would be my strength and ability if I just trusted in Him, I never dreamed that He would make me so happy at sixty years old doing more than I imagined.

So happy birthday to me. I’m happy how God has blessed me to live this long in life.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Sunday’s Thought!

“Nature’s Beauty”
(C) 2021, Isaiah Jacobs

Every morning I set out to walk my dog, Abby, almost always without fail, I open the front door to step out onto the porch and the first words out of my mouth are “Thank You Jesus!” repeated more than a few times. My dog usually looks at me like “what Dad?” as we head out. 

As I walk Abby, I cannot help but be in awe of God’s Creation and how beautifully it all comes together. The mountains several miles from me stand majestic and beautiful. Today, I can clearly see them in a blue hue since the summer’s humidity has settled with no clouds in the skies. 

We live on a gravel road now with no sidewalks just houses and treed lawns that are spread out far apart. The gravel road is different from the asphalt pavement we have walked many times before. Somehow, the gravel adds to the awesomeness of nature as it abounds around me. I know that sounds odd, but maybe its beauty is brought out after spending 58 years walking, driving, and living in the asphalt jungle known as suburbia. 

While walking, I see the beauty of the trees, many different species with leaves of intricate design. It is just incredibly amazing to see the leaf’s detail as it all weaves together on branches to the trunk of the trees. Across from my house’s front door and along the gravel road, the trees line the roadway with so much beauty. Many of them look to have been here back to the day God planted them on this earth. 

Of course, living out here where I can enjoy the beauty of nature includes wildlife. We have encountered deer who immediately gallop off into the woods as soon as they see us coming. The occasional squirrel is a bit odd since they were often found in the city. As we walk, we pass through some natural areas which look as though they haven’t been touched by man at all. The beauty in this area causes me to pause to look for more than a few minutes. Abby gives a look, more than a few sniffs, and her attention directed to what could possibly be in this forested area. My guess is probably the bears I’ve heard about from the neighbors, maybe a few opossums, skunks, raccoons, snakes, and the list could go on. 

As I enjoy this beautiful area I now call home, I can’t help but be overwhelmingly thankful that I know the Creator who made all of this. In my youth, I learned the many theories which teach how our universe came together. I couldn’t fathom that something so magnificent, so glorious, so intrinsically detailed, so interwoven together creating the beauty of nature, could happen from an explosion or by any other means. No, it was created by God. He created it all. I have to admit I wonder how He did it. Was it created from a thought that brought it all together? Or, did He handmake all of creation? Did He swipe His Hand across the earth causing it all to come together? That’s something I will ask Him when I get to heaven. 

When walking Abby down the gravel road, I talk with God about life while enjoying the beautiful scenery. He is like a best friend and we talk often. As a child, I became a Christian and have believed in Jesus, God, and the Bible ever since. I have had some questions along the way, but God answers them in the way that He does. For me, I wouldn’t trade this walk with God all these years nor all the coming years for absolutely anything this world could ever offer me. 

The next time you see a tree or a beautiful place in nature, ask yourself, “do I truly know the Creator of all this?” If you do, excellent- see you in heaven one of these days. If not, here’s how to learn more, Peace With God.

“The Gravel Road in Nature’s Beauty”
(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs

Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Happy Birthday, Jesus! Merry Christmas!

Several years ago, I heard a cute Christmas song sung by a group of children at my church. The main verse or thought of the song was “Happy Birthday Jesus!” Over the years, I have known some friends who use the greeting and have grown to like it quite a bit. After all, Christmas is the Birthday of Jesus.

The Birthday of Jesus was an incredibly phenomenal Gift from God to man. He came to earth, lived 33 years teaching about God, and was crucified on a cruel cross to save man from his sins. While it is as simple as that, there are a few things you must do to receive God’s Forgiveness. First, you have to believe in Jesus, confess your sins, and begin following Him.

If you would like to learn more about Jesus, God, and the Bible, please visit Peace With God.

So Happy Birthday, Jesus! I am happy you were born.

Have a Blessed Easter!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Easter is one of those times in my Christian faith which just rips my heart out. It’s not unusual to find me crying my eyes out when viewing a pageant, play, hearing and singing the beautiful Easter hymns with the glorious voices and instruments or movie about Jesus’s crucifixion on the cross for my sins. To imagine or think someone or anyone would do that for me, brings tears to my eyes.

Jesus Christ was crucified on a cruel cross on Good Friday. He rose from the dead three days later on Easter Sunday so that we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him. That is, if we decide to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. A great website to learn about the Christian faith, how to become a Christian, Jesus, and God, is Peace With God.

Becoming a Christian has been the best decision and the best thing I have ever done in my life. I know when I die, I will be in heaven with Jesus. I hope and pray that you will make the decision too.

What…Cancel Christmas???

“Glory to God in the Highest … the Nativity”
Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

Christmas is such an amazing time of year, a time when people smile at each other no matter how long the line is to make their purchase. A time when people look for the perfect tree or the perfect gift. A time when delicious smells waft through kitchens all around the world.

Now I hear that Christmas might be canceled. I find that hard to believe. However, with our government closing stores, restaurants, not allowing large gatherings for birthday parties, funerals, etc., Christmas most certainly seems like it will be next.

We look forward to hearing that one special song that, for each one of us, says…”Christ is coming.” Christmas carolers, Christmas pies, Christmas stockings, and Christmas lights, will this be the year they disappear?

Trees, wreaths, cookies, stars, presents, what says Christmas to you? When you see a bright star in the sky does that make you think of our Savior’s birth? Do you ever tire of hearing the story of Jesus’ birth with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the Maji?

Shepherds, now there was a motley crew. Working with sheep is a smelly dirty job. And dressing for work would not have to do with putting on your best duds. Then one night as the shepherds bedded down the sheep and were sitting around a fire, something amazing happened. An angel appeared and the previously dark sky was alive with light. They cowered in fear, but then the angel said, “fear not” and the fear left them and they became still and listened. And what a story the angel would tell these shepherds, not the people in town, not the merchants, not even the rabbi, God chose shepherds to hear the glorious message of the Birth of His Son. How appropriate as His Son would come to be known as the Great Shepherd.

Cancel Christmas…I don’t think so, for the spirit of Christmas lives in you.

Let’s share the joy, the hope, and the love of Christmas with everyone we meet.

To learn about Jesus Birth and the Christian life, please visit Peace With God.

About the author: Kim Kirby is a writer and lives in Virginia.  Her writing reflects her belief and faith in Jesus.  She enjoys spending time in the outdoors, especially the mountains.

Happy Easter!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Today I celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. He died on a cruel cross on Good Friday and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday for our sins so that we may have eternal life with Him in Heaven.

My Christian faith, the Bible, Jesus Christ, God are the foundations of my life and helps me incredibly with Charcot-Marie-Tooth. I could not handle with the pain, frustrations and aggravations without God’s help all th way.

If you would like to learn more about God’s Plan of Salvation for man, please visit Peace With God.