Quit staring at my feet! My face is much more interesting!

“Quit Looking At My Feet”
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

If I had to pick one pet-peeve I have with having Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) it is the annoyance I get when I see people staring at my feet. Then, they look up at my face back to my feet and back to my face. I’m like “really?” Yes, my feet are turned out! Yes, it is difficult or challenging to walk. Yes, you probably have never seen feet like mine. Yes, it looks like I am walking on the sides of my feet. Trust me, I am not. Almost, but not yet. YES, IT IS RUDE to stare. Not only is it rude, it is painful to see someone staring at my feet. Stare at my face instead, it is better looking. If you keep staring at my feet, you will miss how handsome I really am!

So I understand when children do it since some are still learning manners and others don’t know any better because their parents haven’t taught them. The teenagers through senior adults need to re-learn their manners. When you see something unique on another person such as deformed feet, missing an arm or leg, or maybe wounds on someone’s face, think about how you would feel if you were them and people were staring. It is difficult enough to go through life having an obviously less-than-perfect body without the annoyance of stares.

Years ago, you would never catch me barefoot in public. It was heartbreakingly painful to see the stares. Before that, you wouldn’t catch me in public in shorts. So much easier to hide my feet in long pants and shoes.

However, I got to thinking. I love being outside in shorts and barefoot. I love the freedom it gives. Why should I let those who do not have enough manners not to stare stop me from enjoying myself in shorts or going barefoot? So, I practiced not paying attention to those people. Always looking ahead. And, when I see someone doing it, I look the other way.

In case you are wondering, yes, I would love to tell them to “quit staring- it’s rude!” But, I digress. It would be energy not well spent.


Boy Writing Notes

Hello! I have been wanting to create a website about my life with Charcot-Marie-Tooth for years.  The disease is very annoying, to say the least, but, since it is what it is and I cannot change anything, I am making the best of it.

I wish I had had the vision when I was a young boy to begin writing about my experiences. I never really thought about. And, though I knew something was wrong, I wasn’t willing to admit it, have it diagnosed, or even pay attention to the fact that it was possible to have it until I was in my 20’s. Further, I needed to accomplish another goal before I began writing or talking about my health.

To be honest, regardless of what Charcot-Marie-Tooth does to my physical being, I could never have gotten through life without God and His care for me. God spoke to me while I was in college that He would be my strength which I will share about in a post. I will share more about that experience in another post.

My plan is to write about the different things I’ve done to help myself along life’s way. I hope that my tips and stories will help you fight whatever health issues you might have and be the best you possibly can be.

Please read my “About” page on this site. You’ll learn that I am a man sharing about my journey. Please always check with your doctor for their recommendations.