Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Easter Blessings

Today, Easter Sunday usually brings me much contemplation as I think about what Jesus did for me on Good Friday and Easter.

Having grown up in a Christian family, around Christian friends, and known more than a few pastors and those desiring to be pastors, I’ve learned quite a bit about what Jesus has done for all of us. Learning about it is one thing, but accepting it and becoming a Christian is another. Also, I’ve learned that I’m not a very preachy kinda guy either, however, I want to share God’s Love with as many people as I can.

Jesus came to earth to minister and teach about God’s Love for everyone. However, on Good Friday, He was crucified. He arose from the dead on Easter Sunday so that we may have eternal life in heaven with Him, IF we accept Him.

If we accept Him? To understand that, please visit To Know God.

I hope and pray that you have an Easter full of God’s blessings. If you don’t know Jesus, I pray you will find Him today and truly celebrate the reasons for this day.

Have a Blessed Easter!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Easter is one of those times in my Christian faith which just rips my heart out. It’s not unusual to find me crying my eyes out when viewing a pageant, play, hearing and singing the beautiful Easter hymns with the glorious voices and instruments or movie about Jesus’s crucifixion on the cross for my sins. To imagine or think someone or anyone would do that for me, brings tears to my eyes.

Jesus Christ was crucified on a cruel cross on Good Friday. He rose from the dead three days later on Easter Sunday so that we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him. That is, if we decide to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. A great website to learn about the Christian faith, how to become a Christian, Jesus, and God, is Peace With God.

Becoming a Christian has been the best decision and the best thing I have ever done in my life. I know when I die, I will be in heaven with Jesus. I hope and pray that you will make the decision too.