Your Privacy!

Your privacy is important to us. Personally, I have some stuff in life I like to keep private so I respect yours.

You will be asked to share your name and email address with us if you want to receive posts by email. However, I do not share that information. I am a huge “respecter” of someone’s privacy so your email is not shared with anyone by us.

At this point, we do not use cookies, except for eating a few chocolate chips cookies here and there, nor do we use potato chips or Doritos for any purpose other than to snack. We are not participating in any affiliate marketing. We may review products we believe could benefit you. However, if you were to purchase the product(s), you would not be sharing personal information with us but with the creator or vendor.

I hope this answers your questions. Sit back, get a cookie of your choice or some potato chips, or better yet some healthy snacks, and enjoy our website.