Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Sunday’s Thought!

“Nature’s Beauty”
(C) 2021, Isaiah Jacobs

Every morning I set out to walk my dog, Abby, almost always without fail, I open the front door to step out onto the porch and the first words out of my mouth are “Thank You Jesus!” repeated more than a few times. My dog usually looks at me like “what Dad?” as we head out. 

As I walk Abby, I cannot help but be in awe of God’s Creation and how beautifully it all comes together. The mountains several miles from me stand majestic and beautiful. Today, I can clearly see them in a blue hue since the summer’s humidity has settled with no clouds in the skies. 

We live on a gravel road now with no sidewalks just houses and treed lawns that are spread out far apart. The gravel road is different from the asphalt pavement we have walked many times before. Somehow, the gravel adds to the awesomeness of nature as it abounds around me. I know that sounds odd, but maybe its beauty is brought out after spending 58 years walking, driving, and living in the asphalt jungle known as suburbia. 

While walking, I see the beauty of the trees, many different species with leaves of intricate design. It is just incredibly amazing to see the leaf’s detail as it all weaves together on branches to the trunk of the trees. Across from my house’s front door and along the gravel road, the trees line the roadway with so much beauty. Many of them look to have been here back to the day God planted them on this earth. 

Of course, living out here where I can enjoy the beauty of nature includes wildlife. We have encountered deer who immediately gallop off into the woods as soon as they see us coming. The occasional squirrel is a bit odd since they were often found in the city. As we walk, we pass through some natural areas which look as though they haven’t been touched by man at all. The beauty in this area causes me to pause to look for more than a few minutes. Abby gives a look, more than a few sniffs, and her attention directed to what could possibly be in this forested area. My guess is probably the bears I’ve heard about from the neighbors, maybe a few opossums, skunks, raccoons, snakes, and the list could go on. 

As I enjoy this beautiful area I now call home, I can’t help but be overwhelmingly thankful that I know the Creator who made all of this. In my youth, I learned the many theories which teach how our universe came together. I couldn’t fathom that something so magnificent, so glorious, so intrinsically detailed, so interwoven together creating the beauty of nature, could happen from an explosion or by any other means. No, it was created by God. He created it all. I have to admit I wonder how He did it. Was it created from a thought that brought it all together? Or, did He handmake all of creation? Did He swipe His Hand across the earth causing it all to come together? That’s something I will ask Him when I get to heaven. 

When walking Abby down the gravel road, I talk with God about life while enjoying the beautiful scenery. He is like a best friend and we talk often. As a child, I became a Christian and have believed in Jesus, God, and the Bible ever since. I have had some questions along the way, but God answers them in the way that He does. For me, I wouldn’t trade this walk with God all these years nor all the coming years for absolutely anything this world could ever offer me. 

The next time you see a tree or a beautiful place in nature, ask yourself, “do I truly know the Creator of all this?” If you do, excellent- see you in heaven one of these days. If not, here’s how to learn more, Peace With God.

“The Gravel Road in Nature’s Beauty”
(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs