A Faith in Jesus

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

These days, there are a bazillion ways to get help with what ails you! From medications to meditations, exercises to yoga, man-made devices to holistic therapies to psychological. The list could go on and on and on but I think you get my point. These days, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) patients have plenty of choices.

While I have had to use some medications over the years to keep me from having too much pain, needle-nerve pain is the worst, it is not usually my first choice. Needle-nerve pain feels like a thousand needles prickling me. However, I have not had to take any medication for muscle pain which thrills me to no end.

My first resource when dealing with the pain, new or old, is to call on the name of “Jesus!” Yes, “Jesus!” Sometimes I repeat “Jesus” several times. And, not at all in a profane way, as some might do. I pray that He helps me to get through the challenges of the pain. He does but in many different ways -that’s for another post. Sometimes the pain returns but He is there with me to help me with it too.

Many people will ask, “well, if Jesus can help with the pain, why doesn’t He stop it?” I have to say, “I do not know the answer to that question. When I ask Him He doesn’t always answer that question. One time, I learned it was because a friend needed to see His Power. However, I trust Him and have seen His Mighty Power help me so many times it’s an incredibly awesome experience. Also, many years ago, the serious pain I was suffering led a girlfriend to become a Christian. To me, that is worth it all. While I cannot explain everything in the Bible or how God works, I would say to be careful around someone who tells you they have all the answers to your questions. If someone claims to have all the answers, RUN!

I have a simple strong faith. My faith isn’t ground in having all the answers. It is ground in the Promise that Jesus says He will never leave or forsake me. I trusted Him with my life many years ago and He has NEVER EVER let me down. And, He never will!

If you would like to learn more about the Christian Faith, Jesus, God, and the Bible, please visit Peace With God.