Charcot-Marie-Tooth: New Year’s Resolutions?

(C) 2024, Isaiah Jacobs


I pray that all may go well with you

and that you may be in good health,

as it goes well with your soul.”

– 3 John 1:2

Another year has passed faster than I anticipated. And it didn’t seem to be that fast when I was going through the year, but here we seventeen days into the beginning of another new year. Every once in a while, a buddy will text me, “Wow! The week has gone by so fast!” More recently, “A few more days of 2023 to go.” I know how he feels, though I think time goes faster for him since he’s older than me.

2023 was my most challenging year yet, though it had some great aspects or parts along the way. At this time of year, I like to reflect on what I accomplished or didn’t accomplish over the past year. Also, what was fun and challenging, and where was I successful? To be honest, I can be pretty hard on myself. Not because I have low self-esteem or anything like that, but because I want to always be my best. Also, there isn’t much point in reflection if you aren’t truthful with yourself.

The year started out with problems relating to my medications. In 2022, I asked my Nurse Practitioner if she knew why I was taking certain medications. She didn’t, so I discussed stepping down from one medication. She was fine with that so I followed the recommended routine to do it. While stepping down, I didn’t notice any difference with me so I continued planning to quit taking it.

The new year 2023, brought a prescriptions refill faux pas between the doctor’s office and my prescription company. One said the other had requested a refill when in actuality, neither knew what the other did. I ended up unintentionally stepping down from these medications too.

About this time, I discovered a holistic product that could help me with pain and the neurological issues associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). I was excited about it because I prefer taking holistic products over medications and want to try that before taking a new prescription.

Since I had stepped down from another medication years ago, I was hoping that stepping down from these three prescriptions would be as successful. However, that wasn’t the case. In March 2023, everything came crashing down on me. I was having breakfast at a local restaurant with a buddy when I started feeling the worst I had ever felt. I wasn’t in danger of anything except that I felt horrible with my neurological system acting crazy. Long story short, I returned to the three medications, which were doing a great job with my neurological system. Now, I know what the medications do!

A highlight of 2023 was in February when I began working out at a local wellness center. I met a personal trainer who is a Christian. She quickly agreed with my belief to “believe the impossible.” My belief is if God wants me stronger and healthier, He will help me accomplish it. Yes, I have to do all the work but He will help me reach goals that otherwise I could miss. I spent the year working on an exercise routine with weights, a few other exercises, and a deep water aerobics routine. By year’s end, I had raised the weights on the machines by ten pounds!

I ended 2023 with an interesting journey. I learned that I had injured myself somewhere along life’s way when I was having fun. I have no idea what I did to cause it. This was proof that is often difficult for someone with CMT to know they hurt themselves. I sought medical help with it, which led to discovering another health problem existed. While a bit challenging, God brought all of this together in a way that blessed me, as it didn’t require a hospital visit.

My goals for 2024? Exercise a bit more. I plan to increase my weight-lifting by at least 10 more pounds or more, while the deep water aerobics will probably stay about the same. Last year, I took a class on the “Theology of Escathology” through a local college and enjoyed every minute of it. I am looking to take more classes like that this year. No, I am not looking to be a theologian but to learn more about God and my faith.

I heard on the radio recently about a lady who doesn’t believe in making New Year’s Resolutions. The word “resolutions” was too harsh and she often wasn’t successful. Instead, she “amends” whatever she thinks needs to be improved. I like that idea. I am going to “amend” certain things in my life in 2024 hoping to be successful.

Do you have any goals for 2024? Please share them in the comments below.

May you have a blessed 2024!