Charcot-Marie-Tooth? A Diagnosis Leads to Unhappiness and Discouragement

“Sad Man Thinking”
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I have to admit, once the doctor “officially” diagnosed me with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), I remember being very discouraged and unhappy with the news but I do not remember being depressed. However, it is possible that I became depressed and did not realize it at the time.

I know one of the things that saved me from depression was my relationship with God. He had other plans for me and I would learn those later. However, this doesn’t mean that Christians do not get depressed, because we do. We are humans too. As time goes on, I notice that God had His Hand over me and was directing my paths toward His Plans for me.

As the days went on, some thirty-plus years ago, I remember that I did not focus on what was wrong with me. Yes, there ARE issues with having CMT and many problems which will need to be addressed over the years. However, the focus wasn’t a “Woe is ME!” attitude. I knew what the doctors had said but I decided to continue ignoring the disease since there was no cure.

With this, my relationship with God was directing my paths. At this point, I had a bit of a bad attitude and some negative thinking. As I will share in future posts, there are ways to get away from that mindset.

If you are battling depression caused by CMT or anything else for that matter, I recommend talking to God about it. Also, there is nothing wrong with seeking the help of mental health professionals. I would look for one who professes to be a Christian as they will tend to guide you along with the Christian values or virtues. Or, you can say a more traditional family counseling. Many churches offer counseling services. To me, the only thing wrong with not seeking mental health assistance is not seeking it at all.