COVID-19, CMT, and Me!

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

I hope you are doing well with all the craziness of COVID-19. Before I forget, the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTAUSA) has shared this post for us, COVID-19 and CMT. Another post which is from the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation has created a page with resources and a webinar. Check it out by visiting CMT & COVID-19. There are probably other resources but these two are ones I have found most helpful.

I am not expecting too many issues directly from COVID-19. I have practiced, for various and sundry reasons, social distancing for many years. When I retired, I really relished the thought of sitting in my sunroom or photography studio writing or working on a creative project. Of course, this included walking my dog quite often. More recently, I added cuddling my cat! All of that while my wife works part-time at a local church. Also, I have practiced the basic hygiene stuff everyone is repeating repeatedly and more often than not for all of my life. Nothing new there! And it should be nothing new to anyone except maybe really young children who are still being taught by their parents.

Unfortunately, however, I have started to have some CMT problems which have been prevented until now. I have used a regular Deep Water Aerobics routine for nearly fourteen years to combat nerve pain, stiffness, soreness, and to attempt to slow the progression. During this time of not being permitted to attend my Deep Water Aerobics classes, I am learning how beneficial the classes are and cannot wait until they return.

Water therapy is one of the best exercises you can do. Since I can only walk so far in one day, usually a max of 2.5 miles sometimes more, a water therapy such as Deep Water Aerobics adds the extra benefit of moving my feet, legs, arms, and hands in an exercising way which does not hurt me. Of course, you have to be comfortable in the deep water. However, you are not participating in the class without a life jacket around your waist. I happen to use ankle and wrist devices to help exercise and cause more resistance in the water. One class I took, we had to be able to do the class without equipment but no one ever tested us. However, we had a few sessions which required us to workout without them. Talk about a challenge!

I praise the effects of Deep Water Aerobics because that’s where I started and prefer to do my exercises. There are other classes in Water Therapy which might be better for you. I highly recommend a discussion with your doctor and with someone who instructs water therapy or water aerobics classes before you begin any regiment.

Keep smiling through this and we will get through it.