Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Christmas/Holiday Shopping

Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

Thankfully, it has been years since I have gone shopping on Black Friday. When I was first married, we were watching our pennies as most young newly married couples do. We paid attention to the Black Friday sales to get a few items we wanted. I’ll never forget the crowds, nor will I forget us shoving a computer and monitor in their large boxes into a Honda Civic. We’ve gone Black Friday shopping a few other times, but they weren’t quite as funny as that first one.

As I have aged, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) has progressed, which means life becomes more challenging. As it does, walking and some neurological aspects become more of a challenge. The walking meant it was getting harder for me to get around much less go shopping in a crowded store or mall. I didn’t understand the nerve issues of CMT until much later in life, frankly a few years ago. I would be nervous or keyed up whenever I was in crowds. However, I was a bit stubborn and would push myself to do the Christmas shopping.

Since I didn’t want my family and friends to be disappointed with no gift from me at Christmas, and online shopping didn’t exist, I had to determine a way to accomplish the task of gift-buying.

First, I do my absolute very best to get all of my Christmas shopping done VERY early. I start shopping early in the year by buying gifts whenever I see something I think someone would like. I would do my best to get all the shopping done before Thanksgiving. As I grew older, time got busier, it became a bit challenging to get it done before Thanksgiving. With that being said, I determined a way to get it done.

Make a list of gifts to purchase and where to buy them. I determined whether I could buy all the gifts at one store or at a mall with several stores or even all at one mall. I made sure to write all of this down on a piece of paper so I wouldn’t forget whenever I ended up going out shopping. These days, there are probably apps for that which can replace the piece of paper. There were a few times when I would end up going somewhere with a friend and I could get some shopping done.

I have a habit of determining when stores, and parking lots, are the least busy. I like to determine when I would likely be able to get in and out of stores and parking lots without much stress avoiding crowds would be awesome. This turned out to be during lunch hours, immediately after work (though on Fridays that never worked), or very early Saturday morning.

Also, would it be possible to go with friends who could help with the driving in the crazy parking lots or help carry stuff if needed.

Using these, I would get the Christmas shopping done. It was a bit more enjoyable since I avoided the stresses of crowds and trying to find a parking spot.

Of course, these days, the best way for me to shop is online. I rarely go shopping these days.