Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Easter Blessings

Today, Easter Sunday usually brings me much contemplation as I think about what Jesus did for me on Good Friday and Easter.

Having grown up in a Christian family, around Christian friends, and known more than a few pastors and those desiring to be pastors, I’ve learned quite a bit about what Jesus has done for all of us. Learning about it is one thing, but accepting it and becoming a Christian is another. Also, I’ve learned that I’m not a very preachy kinda guy either, however, I want to share God’s Love with as many people as I can.

Jesus came to earth to minister and teach about God’s Love for everyone. However, on Good Friday, He was crucified. He arose from the dead on Easter Sunday so that we may have eternal life in heaven with Him, IF we accept Him.

If we accept Him? To understand that, please visit To Know God.

I hope and pray that you have an Easter full of God’s blessings. If you don’t know Jesus, I pray you will find Him today and truly celebrate the reasons for this day.

Happy Father’s Day!

(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs

Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s in this awesome universe. Whether you are the father of your own children, a step-father, or a man who steps into that role for a child or two. Since I am a dog and cat lover at heart, always like to wish the animal father’s a “Happy Father’s Day” too.

My father passed away seven years ago now. I miss him and think of him often so I find myself glad that I spent time enjoying his company throughout our lives together. As society seems to make fathers to be less important than they really are, I like to think of the many teachings and gifts my father gave me as a child.

A teaching I will always cherish and be forever grateful for is my father taught me about God, Christianity, and the Bible. He made sure we knew about God, and took us to church every Sunday, Wednesday night, and revival services. He made sure my brother and I knew about heaven and the choice we had to make before we died. And, that we don’t know when death will come so we shouldn’t put it off. The choice? Where we want to spend eternity. It’s our choice. God will not force His Will on us so we decide. What would it be, heaven or hell? As a Christian, I am thankful for God’s Love for me and grateful my father showed me the way.

An indirect gift from my father was his love for music. He liked to joke that I was born during the playing of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture but I never figured out how he had music playing while I was being born. Anyway, he played a lot of classical music, church music, and Southern Gospel, especially Bill Gaither, around the house. Over the years, I have gotten to where I love my classical music playing whenever I am working or reading. I enjoy church music and Southern Gospel music and usually play it when doing my gardening, household chores, or cleaning my studio. Also, for me, music is a good retreat from the chaos of life. I have found that when I stress if I turn on some classical music, my body will often relax.

There are many memories of my father that I could write about for many pages of text. I hope you have an awesome day with your father. If you aren’t able to get together with your father, be sure to give him a call to him know you love him. If you aren’t speaking to your father for whatever reason, whoever’s fault it is, get over it and give him a call. Life is too short not to share the love with your father. For those, like me, whose father has gone to heaven with Jesus, reflect on the good memories of your father as the day goes on. Maybe you know someone whose children live across the country and cannot get together with them. Why not take them to lunch?

Happy Father’s Day. May you have a blessed day!

Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Christmas

“Merry Christmas!”
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

What do Christmas and Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) have in common? Not much actually. However, the stress of the holidays, and the days leading up to it, can make you so tired you’ll want to sleep through it.

My brother used to work some long hours during the Christmas Season to make sure his customers had everything they wanted and more. It was commendable of him and his customers loved him. However, what was not known or seen was how much it all worn him out.

Unfortunately, for me and the rest of the family, he would be too tired to celebrate Christmas with us. He would, invariably every Thanksgiving and Christmas, sleep through the day. He had CMT too. I believe that it caused him to be very tired so he needed a lot of rest when he could get it.

Christmas comes but once a year. We never know what the future will hold. Family and friends will not always be around. If you have elderly parents, they may not be around next Christmas. Not to be gloom and doom, but something to think about. We should spend the time with those we love now, not put it off.

Why not get some extra rest before Christmas Day? Maybe go to bed early? Have a friend help you with the last-minute details for Christmas? Would family and friends be willing to celebrate Christmas later in the day so you can join them? Those are a few ideas to help you enjoy the day and your friends and family to enjoy YOU.

Happy Mother’s Day!

A Happy Mother’s Day to mom’s everywhere! While growing up, I had several mothers! The woman who gave birth to me was my “real” mom yet I had several ladies at church who I called “mom” because they were close friends of mine and our family. There were times when I wished I didn’t have so many moms because it was hard to get away with anything. However, looking back, I am grateful for their love for me too.

My mother passed away ten years ago. Yes, it makes Mother’s Day a little rough as I miss her. However, I am blessed to have some wonderful memories of her and will think about those. It would be nice to have her around to celebrate the day with, but she is in Heaven with Jesus so I wouldn’t want her to come back to this world for anything. She is rejoicing in having no more pain or suffering.

May God bless your day with your Mother. If your mom has passed away like mine has, reflect on the memories. Or, maybe celebrate the day with those “moms” in your life who influenced your life.

Daylight Saving Time Begins!

(C) 2021, Isaiah Jacobs

A-h-h-h-h Spring! According to the calendar, the first day of Spring is next Saturday, March 20! Tomorrow begins Daylight Saving Time once again! For that, I am happy! Why? It usually means the really cold weather is gone, no more snow or ice storms, and warmer weather is on the way. We have had some snowstorms in late March, I remember a few in early April too, but they melt away very fast- a great way to celebrate snow, here today and gone tomorrow.

Being retired from a career of 33 years and having more time at home, my schedule has changed to where I can be outside more than ever before. The time change means the days will be warmer soon and I can get out with my dog to enjoy whenever I want which is a blessing!

Don’t forget-

Spring forward

One hour before bed tonight!

Daylight Saving Times Ends Sunday, November 1

Time flies these days even in the midst of a pandemic. It seems like only yesterday that we “sprang” our clocks ahead one hour in March. Now, we are “falling” back gaining the hour lost back.

What will you do with that extra hour? When I was younger, I liked to stay up later because I would get the hour back when the time changed. Now that I am 57, that is not the case! I might even go to bed earlier just to get the extra sleep.

Please share in the comments how you will use your “extra” hour.

In the meantime, remember to set the clocks back one hour!

Happy Easter!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

While we may be social distancing, it doesn’t mean we can’t call those we love and celebrate Easter by phone. Or, maybe send an email to share your love with your friends and family. If you are tech-savvy, you can “Zoom” together for a family gathering.

Today, Christians celebrate Easter as the day Jesus rose from the grave. Those who accept Him and Believe in Him will spend eternity with Him. An incredibly awesome promise.

A great website to learn more about become a Christian is Peace With God!

It’s MY Decision… Ask Me First!

“Ask Me First!”
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

I think this might be an issue which most people with a disability, mental, or physical disability might go through. Frankly, I find it insulting and annoying! It seems to hurt me more than the pain I go through with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). And, when I find a friend who does this to me more than a few times, I have to quit hanging out with them because they are not a friend… in my book that is! The friend becomes an obstacle to what I am trying to accomplish!

What am I talking about? While I know CMT prevents me from participating in some of life’s events and adventures, a major pet peeve of mine is when someone decides for me, without asking me, that I cannot do something! So they don’t invite me. Or, they don’t ask me. Before I forget, my wife is excluded from these comments. She knows and can or has made decisions and I’m fine with that. She tends to tell people to ask me!

Several years ago, maybe even a few decades ago, after working through the diagnosis of CMT, I decided to keep a positive outlook in life, find the “good in life” every day, always finding the positive in new pain or health issues, and to do my absolute best in things so maybe I could prolong the onset of more problems. I have to admit, sometimes because of the person’s relationship to me, I will push myself to do or participate in something which can, and often does cause me quite a bit of pain. It’s because I want to do it with them or hang out with them or it means more to me to do this than to avoid suffering the pain. I remember one time I did something for someone and suffered pain and exhaustion the next day. However, I was very happy and pleased to have participated in the event.

Several months ago, a man had to orchestrate the funeral for another man. Out of respect, and in my heart, I wanted to participate in it because I thought so highly of the man. Well, I wasn’t asked. Later, I found out that it was because he knew it would be too much for me- you know, the pain. That hurt. And, that’s the pet peeve that I despise the most. I think it took me several months to get

Ask me. Do not assume. Do not make decisions for disabled people unless you truly absolutely know the answer and know you will not offend them by making the decision. Or, they have given you permission to do that.

“I’m Getting Better?”

A few weeks ago, I had my usual 3-week visit to the Chiropractor. It was my usual 3-week appointment for adjustments messed up or out of alignment because of my feet and the fact that, despite my feet, I keep myself pretty active!

For once, I arrived at my appointment without any pain. Anywhere! Amazing! Sometimes that happens but not as often as I what I would like. I keep trying doing the things I do and hoping above all hope that I will get better.

What are those things? I walk my dog every day. Some days are further than others but we always go for a walk. I take a Deep Water Aerobics class at the local Aquatic Center twice a week. I visit a massage therapist every 3 weeks and as I mentioned previously, the Chiropractor every 3 weeks. These help me to manage my pain considerably well.

During the visit with the Chiropractor, he did his usual routine of adjustments with me and concluded by saying, “WOW! I believe you are getting better!” He caught me off guard especially when he repeated it. He stated that he especially noticed my flexibility being better too.

While I know the medical world says Charcot-Marie-Tooth is uncurable. There is nothing they can do for me. Okay, I get that. However, I believe God can do other things if He so chooses. Also, He will give us wisdom and guidance to do things

When I hear something positive from someone about my health, I grab it and hold onto it. It might be a small comment or a kind word. I hold on it. Why? It’s encouraging to know that all the exercising I have been doing is helping me to look better along with function and feel better.

Yes, I typically ignore negative comments unless it’s something from someone I respect. People I respect will not say something negative unless it is something I really need to know.

Happy New Year!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Are you ready to start another New Year? I am yet I am not. I know what can I say?!

I am because it means that the cold months of January, February and March are here and I can get quite a bit of writing, photography, and website work done before I start spending most of my days outside.

And, no, because it means I am getting another year older and life is flying by really fast. I am thankful to be getting older as I am thankful for every breath and step I take.

I am starting 2020 with some new pain in my feet. I have an appointment with a foot specialist, the lady who makes my braces, to determine what’s going on and take action.

Despite the pain and it’s health issues, my goal is to maintain a positive and happy attitude throughout the new year.

My prayer for you is to have a blessed New Year and New Decade. My God help you throughout any painful health struggles you may have!

I will be spending New Year’s Eve quietly at home watching a little TV and reading my Trains magazines. I know, I live such an exciting life- heart be still!

What are you plans for New Year’s Eve?