Have a Blessed Easter!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Easter is one of those times in my Christian faith which just rips my heart out. It’s not unusual to find me crying my eyes out when viewing a pageant, play, hearing and singing the beautiful Easter hymns with the glorious voices and instruments or movie about Jesus’s crucifixion on the cross for my sins. To imagine or think someone or anyone would do that for me, brings tears to my eyes.

Jesus Christ was crucified on a cruel cross on Good Friday. He rose from the dead three days later on Easter Sunday so that we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him. That is, if we decide to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. A great website to learn about the Christian faith, how to become a Christian, Jesus, and God, is Peace With God.

Becoming a Christian has been the best decision and the best thing I have ever done in my life. I know when I die, I will be in heaven with Jesus. I hope and pray that you will make the decision too.

Happy Spring!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

While Summer is my favorite season, Spring is the close second. It means time for me to get outside much more often. Also, I plan to begin a new exercise routine this season since Deep Water Aerobics was cancelled and never restarted.

If you remember from a previous post, I started a routine this winter using a Bemer Group product (no affiliation, more about it later) which helped tremendously with the cold weather. My current thought is to start biking. It will help my legs to get more exercise and something for me to do outside!

I am planning to explore my universe with my new dog more this spring and summer. There are several places that I can go railfanning so we will explore them as well as hike a few battlefields!

How do you celebrate Spring? Any new exercise routines? Please share in the comments below!