Charcot-Marie-Tooth: Christmas Eve

Have you ever noticed how quiet it gets around 8:00 p.m. or later on Christmas Eve 2024? It’s an eerie quiet that overcomes the area, wherever I happen to be. I like to go outside on Christmas Eve and listen. It seems to be saying that the Christ Child is coming.

It’s Christmas Eve morning, and I’ve got the day off. Retired and have a day off? Yes, it happens. I wouldn’t enjoy retirement if I sat around all day doing nothing. I sometimes wonder how I got anything done when I was working. Anyway, most days, I have chores, appointments, the gym, my dog, and the list seems endless. However, today, the gym was open for only four hours. I knew by the time I got up, had breakfast, and cared for the dog, I’d only have a few hours to work out. Since it’s Tuesday, I don’t usually plan a lot of chores for after the gym since it usually wipes me. So it’s a day off for me.

Thankfully, I saw this day of “doing nothing” coming and did a bit of planning. I was thinking about taking my dog to the Shenandoah National Park and surrounding area for a day of exploring. However, the weather forecast of freezing rain and ice helped me decide to stay home. The mountains usually get snow and ice more often than what we do.

I wasn’t too sure about the trip to the mountains to start with because it’s actually refreshing not to have to be motivated, as Tuesday mornings are usually my busiest mornings. I decided I would enjoy a day of walking my dog; gravel roads and trails are easy to navigate in the icy weather, listening to my classical music collection, mainly the Christmas CDs, writing, and maybe reflecting on Christmas’s past.

 The morning is quiet, and music from the Baroque era is playing on my stereo system. Something about the tranquil music is creating a calming space in my studio. I find myself thinking a bit about Christmas’s past. A good part of me misses my parents. It’d be nice to have them around to enjoy. It’s funny; some of our family celebrations in my married life seemed so annoying. Everyone had their quirks. One family member thought the entire world revolved around him, another always wanted their traditions and wasn’t willing to budge, another would say they’d be there but never did show up but sent lovely expensive gifts that meant little since he wasn’t there, and then there was my dad. He was the quiet one in the corner, enjoying the festivities with little to say. I think, “That’s where I got it from.” Yeah, all the quirkiness was often a pain as we tried to work with them all so they’d be happy. However, looking back, it was what made each of them unique and created the traits within my wife and me to be the people we are. And, yeah, as crazy as my parents might have driven me over the years, I would love to have them back to enjoy Christmas. However, they have gone on to heaven, and I’m sure they are celebrating the day. Death in this life is inevitable, and we don’t know when. Get together with those you love as often as you can. Even if they’re a pain. It’s only for the moment.

A favorite memory of my in-laws was their insistence not to shop for Christmas or any other special day. If my mother-in-law were out somewhere and saw something she thought I would like, she would buy it. Most of the time, the gifts were in the form of a check. A sizeable amount, too. I loved it. Some would say, that’s tacky or not very thoughtful, but I loved every one of those checks and my especially in-laws for doing it. Why? It said they cared enough to let me get something I know I would like. Though I made a good salary, it was for our family expenses, mortgage, car loan, and necessities of life. I budgeted a small monthly amount that I could spend frivolously, there were things I would like to have that wasn’t in the budget. I would save the checks they gave me to purchase that. Frankly, you’d have to know me well to know what to buy me for a gift. Very few people could do that. Anyway, when I purchased something with their gift money, I shared it with them so they would know what was bought.

I have plenty of Christmas memories of my parents. Among many, my favorite is the year that I got a bike. Getting the bike wasn’t so much the memory as the events leading up to it. My brother and I had a habit of getting up on Christmas morning the second our eyes opened. Sometimes, that was very early. Earlier than o’dark hundred! This particular year, my father stayed up most of the night helping Santa Claus assemble two bicycles. Of course, the instructions were so clear that his adventure became more challenging than a father should have on Christmas morning. At precisely o’dark hundred, my brother and I ran to my parent’s room to wake them up. Even though Dad had just gotten into bed, probably not a few minutes earlier, he went along with the early morning festivities. I didn’t know this story until later in life when my parents shared their funny Christmas stories. Dad never complained about the lack of sleep or anything like that. He was happy to see his boys get the bike from Santa Claus.

The Christmas season has changed quite a bit as I’ve gotten older. My parents, brother, and in-laws have gone on to heaven with my father-in-law being the last, a few years ago. My wife and I will exchange gifts along with our furry children. Later, a friend will join us as we go to a restaurant in Northern Virginia to celebrate the day. It’s a nice escape from the house, so we aren’t always looking for family members to show up. Next year, we may try a traveling adventure.

For me, Christmas is about celebrating the Birth of Jesus. God gave us the Greatest Gift ever of His Son Jesus. He came so we may have eternal life with Him in heaven if we believe. To learn more, please visit To Know God.

I will head outside tonight to listen for the quiet I mentioned earlier. It seems a bit different since we moved to the country where quiet is a part of my daily life. However, you can see the stars in the vast sky, and that seems to add to the beauty of Christmas.

May you have a blessed Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

(C) 2020, Isaiah Jacobs

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I enjoy the Christmas season with all its decorations and beautiful music. I have quite a few memories of Christmases from my childhood with my parents who made the season a special time. My parents taught me that Christmas is more than gifts and decorations.

Most of all, I am very thankful for the Birth of Jesus Christ, for His saving me from my sins, and for the Promise of eternal life in heaven when I die. The Christmas season to me is a celebration of His Birth, especially Christmas Day! The greatest Christmas Gift ever was God sending His Son Jesus as a Baby to be born on earth and live among people. At the early age of 36, Jesus was crucified on a rugged cross for our sins. It’s hard for me to believe that God or Jesus would care enough for me and where I spend eternity to do that for me. BUT, He did.

A great resource to learn more about God’s Plan of Salvation for man is Peace With God.

What…Cancel Christmas???

“Glory to God in the Highest … the Nativity”
Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

Christmas is such an amazing time of year, a time when people smile at each other no matter how long the line is to make their purchase. A time when people look for the perfect tree or the perfect gift. A time when delicious smells waft through kitchens all around the world.

Now I hear that Christmas might be canceled. I find that hard to believe. However, with our government closing stores, restaurants, not allowing large gatherings for birthday parties, funerals, etc., Christmas most certainly seems like it will be next.

We look forward to hearing that one special song that, for each one of us, says…”Christ is coming.” Christmas carolers, Christmas pies, Christmas stockings, and Christmas lights, will this be the year they disappear?

Trees, wreaths, cookies, stars, presents, what says Christmas to you? When you see a bright star in the sky does that make you think of our Savior’s birth? Do you ever tire of hearing the story of Jesus’ birth with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the Maji?

Shepherds, now there was a motley crew. Working with sheep is a smelly dirty job. And dressing for work would not have to do with putting on your best duds. Then one night as the shepherds bedded down the sheep and were sitting around a fire, something amazing happened. An angel appeared and the previously dark sky was alive with light. They cowered in fear, but then the angel said, “fear not” and the fear left them and they became still and listened. And what a story the angel would tell these shepherds, not the people in town, not the merchants, not even the rabbi, God chose shepherds to hear the glorious message of the Birth of His Son. How appropriate as His Son would come to be known as the Great Shepherd.

Cancel Christmas…I don’t think so, for the spirit of Christmas lives in you.

Let’s share the joy, the hope, and the love of Christmas with everyone we meet.

To learn about Jesus Birth and the Christian life, please visit Peace With God.

About the author: Kim Kirby is a writer and lives in Virginia.  Her writing reflects her belief and faith in Jesus.  She enjoys spending time in the outdoors, especially the mountains.

Black Friday Sales and Charcot-Marie-Tooth

“Black Friday Savings Sale!”
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

When I was younger, many decades ago now, I enjoyed going shopping to find the perfect Christmas presents for friends and family. In later years, especially for my wife. However, each year it became more challenging for me to go to the malls and shop. As most people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) know, the disease is progressive and always changing adding a new challenge.

In the early years of life, I didn’t understand that these changes were happening nor did I realize that they would cause everyday tasks or stuff like Christmas shopping to become so challenging. Of course, this was back in the day when there wasn’t as much information about CMT as we only had what the doctors knew. I remember looking it up in the encyclopedia to find a short paragraph.

My type of CMT causes issues with the nerves. Yes, most of CMT does that, but some types have more nerve-based problems. Now that I understand that, I am understanding why finding a parking place and going shopping at the malls or stores have become so challenging. It literally is an exhaustingly tiring task which is a chore to do. Make sense? At first, I thought it was that I was getting lazy or even apathetic.

So what to do? Back decades ago, I would plan to get my Christmas shopping done early with the goal of having it all done by December 1 at the latest. This worked great! I didn’t have the crowds to maneuver nor was finding a parking place a challenge. I could easily go to the stores or mall and shop and leave.

However, over the years my health progressively got worse and it became more of a challenge to go to the malls or other stores too. Of course, I was hugely blessed by being able to go with someone else. I needed to begin finding a much easier way to purchase gifts.

For a few years, as physical challenges became a problem, I bought many friends gift cards to their favorite stores. That worked for most people, but there were always a few who were insulted because they didn’t understand my issues about shopping. And, I have always kept my health issues personal. Cash can work too.

A few years ago, I began to realize that shopping online was a great resource for people like me who find going to the stores very challenging. I can usually pick out what I want without too much hassle. I like that I can view the product, read the descriptions, and in some cases read reviews from others who purchased. Of course, you have to be careful with that because some people complain about everything and give bad reviews or comments just to do so. I use the comments when I am not sure if a product is what I want. Sometimes it helps. For a few people, I will ask them if they show me what they would like online. I like that I can order it and have it delivered to my home. These days, in most cases, you can save the shipping and handling charges and pick it up in the parking lot of the store. Picking up at the store keeps you from having to walk through the store and there are usually plenty of parking spaces reserved for online orders.

Merry Christmas My Friends!

“Merry Christmas”
(C) Isaiah Jacobs, All Rights Reserved

I pray that you will have a blessed and very Merry Christmas!

I will be spending the day sharing a few presents with my wife and taking my father-in-law to lunch somewhere. After the loss of my parents, brother, and mother-in-law, Christmas has been a challenge because it brings back so many wonderful memories. Now, the celebration feels like it’s always missing something. However, we celebrate and enjoy our time together.

And, after lunch with my father-in-law, my wife and I will head home and probably enjoy a nap!