Happy Father’s Day!

(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs

Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s in this awesome universe. Whether you are the father of your own children, a step-father, or a man who steps into that role for a child or two. Since I am a dog and cat lover at heart, always like to wish the animal father’s a “Happy Father’s Day” too.

My father passed away seven years ago now. I miss him and think of him often so I find myself glad that I spent time enjoying his company throughout our lives together. As society seems to make fathers to be less important than they really are, I like to think of the many teachings and gifts my father gave me as a child.

A teaching I will always cherish and be forever grateful for is my father taught me about God, Christianity, and the Bible. He made sure we knew about God, and took us to church every Sunday, Wednesday night, and revival services. He made sure my brother and I knew about heaven and the choice we had to make before we died. And, that we don’t know when death will come so we shouldn’t put it off. The choice? Where we want to spend eternity. It’s our choice. God will not force His Will on us so we decide. What would it be, heaven or hell? As a Christian, I am thankful for God’s Love for me and grateful my father showed me the way.

An indirect gift from my father was his love for music. He liked to joke that I was born during the playing of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture but I never figured out how he had music playing while I was being born. Anyway, he played a lot of classical music, church music, and Southern Gospel, especially Bill Gaither, around the house. Over the years, I have gotten to where I love my classical music playing whenever I am working or reading. I enjoy church music and Southern Gospel music and usually play it when doing my gardening, household chores, or cleaning my studio. Also, for me, music is a good retreat from the chaos of life. I have found that when I stress if I turn on some classical music, my body will often relax.

There are many memories of my father that I could write about for many pages of text. I hope you have an awesome day with your father. If you aren’t able to get together with your father, be sure to give him a call to him know you love him. If you aren’t speaking to your father for whatever reason, whoever’s fault it is, get over it and give him a call. Life is too short not to share the love with your father. For those, like me, whose father has gone to heaven with Jesus, reflect on the good memories of your father as the day goes on. Maybe you know someone whose children live across the country and cannot get together with them. Why not take them to lunch?

Happy Father’s Day. May you have a blessed day!

Have a Blessed Easter!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Easter is one of those times in my Christian faith which just rips my heart out. It’s not unusual to find me crying my eyes out when viewing a pageant, play, hearing and singing the beautiful Easter hymns with the glorious voices and instruments or movie about Jesus’s crucifixion on the cross for my sins. To imagine or think someone or anyone would do that for me, brings tears to my eyes.

Jesus Christ was crucified on a cruel cross on Good Friday. He rose from the dead three days later on Easter Sunday so that we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him. That is, if we decide to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. A great website to learn about the Christian faith, how to become a Christian, Jesus, and God, is Peace With God.

Becoming a Christian has been the best decision and the best thing I have ever done in my life. I know when I die, I will be in heaven with Jesus. I hope and pray that you will make the decision too.

A Faith in Jesus

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

These days, there are a bazillion ways to get help with what ails you! From medications to meditations, exercises to yoga, man-made devices to holistic therapies to psychological. The list could go on and on and on but I think you get my point. These days, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) patients have plenty of choices.

While I have had to use some medications over the years to keep me from having too much pain, needle-nerve pain is the worst, it is not usually my first choice. Needle-nerve pain feels like a thousand needles prickling me. However, I have not had to take any medication for muscle pain which thrills me to no end.

My first resource when dealing with the pain, new or old, is to call on the name of “Jesus!” Yes, “Jesus!” Sometimes I repeat “Jesus” several times. And, not at all in a profane way, as some might do. I pray that He helps me to get through the challenges of the pain. He does but in many different ways -that’s for another post. Sometimes the pain returns but He is there with me to help me with it too.

Many people will ask, “well, if Jesus can help with the pain, why doesn’t He stop it?” I have to say, “I do not know the answer to that question. When I ask Him He doesn’t always answer that question. One time, I learned it was because a friend needed to see His Power. However, I trust Him and have seen His Mighty Power help me so many times it’s an incredibly awesome experience. Also, many years ago, the serious pain I was suffering led a girlfriend to become a Christian. To me, that is worth it all. While I cannot explain everything in the Bible or how God works, I would say to be careful around someone who tells you they have all the answers to your questions. If someone claims to have all the answers, RUN!

I have a simple strong faith. My faith isn’t ground in having all the answers. It is ground in the Promise that Jesus says He will never leave or forsake me. I trusted Him with my life many years ago and He has NEVER EVER let me down. And, He never will!

If you would like to learn more about the Christian Faith, Jesus, God, and the Bible, please visit Peace With God.

Merry Christmas!

(C) 2020, Isaiah Jacobs

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I enjoy the Christmas season with all its decorations and beautiful music. I have quite a few memories of Christmases from my childhood with my parents who made the season a special time. My parents taught me that Christmas is more than gifts and decorations.

Most of all, I am very thankful for the Birth of Jesus Christ, for His saving me from my sins, and for the Promise of eternal life in heaven when I die. The Christmas season to me is a celebration of His Birth, especially Christmas Day! The greatest Christmas Gift ever was God sending His Son Jesus as a Baby to be born on earth and live among people. At the early age of 36, Jesus was crucified on a rugged cross for our sins. It’s hard for me to believe that God or Jesus would care enough for me and where I spend eternity to do that for me. BUT, He did.

A great resource to learn more about God’s Plan of Salvation for man is Peace With God.

Happy Mother’s Day!

“Happy Mother’s Day!”
(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Mom. It’s a difficult word to describe these days. When I was growing up, my mother raised me along with my father. However, there were many women in the church who I called “mom” along the way because they were special to me. They weren’t my mom but they cared enough to watch out for me.

Today, as I wish “Happy Mother’s Day” I wish it to everyone who has had the opportunity to raise another life. To care for someone else and to love them as you do.

Daylight Saving Time Begins!

Just a reminder so you don’t do like I did in college and arrive late to church! It was so embarrassing to have people leaving the church as I was arriving!

Set the clocks one hour ahead before bed on Saturday night!

Thus the journey begins as we head to spring followed by summer! I always look forward to this time of year as we leave the cold weather behind! Here in Virginia, we could have snow up until late March and even early April. If it accumulates, it will melt fast. A great thing!

Happy New Year!

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

Are you ready to start another New Year? I am yet I am not. I know what can I say?!

I am because it means that the cold months of January, February and March are here and I can get quite a bit of writing, photography, and website work done before I start spending most of my days outside.

And, no, because it means I am getting another year older and life is flying by really fast. I am thankful to be getting older as I am thankful for every breath and step I take.

I am starting 2020 with some new pain in my feet. I have an appointment with a foot specialist, the lady who makes my braces, to determine what’s going on and take action.

Despite the pain and it’s health issues, my goal is to maintain a positive and happy attitude throughout the new year.

My prayer for you is to have a blessed New Year and New Decade. My God help you throughout any painful health struggles you may have!

I will be spending New Year’s Eve quietly at home watching a little TV and reading my Trains magazines. I know, I live such an exciting life- heart be still!

What are you plans for New Year’s Eve?

Merry Christmas My Friends!

“Merry Christmas”
(C) Isaiah Jacobs, All Rights Reserved

I pray that you will have a blessed and very Merry Christmas!

I will be spending the day sharing a few presents with my wife and taking my father-in-law to lunch somewhere. After the loss of my parents, brother, and mother-in-law, Christmas has been a challenge because it brings back so many wonderful memories. Now, the celebration feels like it’s always missing something. However, we celebrate and enjoy our time together.

And, after lunch with my father-in-law, my wife and I will head home and probably enjoy a nap!

A Visit to the Great Smoky Mountains!

The Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, USA
Photo by Micah Williams on Unsplash

One of my favorites escapes is to visit the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and North Carolina.

I took one of my first really long hikes there and love taking a drive through the mountains looking for landscapes and wildlife, especially bears, to photograph. Of course, be very careful around bears! Know the regulations and law!

What do I like about the Great Smoky Mountains? It’s beauty. Being able to get outdoors and away from all the noise of the city.

Escaping to nature seems to help me incredibly to deal with Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Though hiking is more difficult for me than the average hiker, the trails I can hike are awesome.

There are quite a few things you can do and enjoy at the Smoky’s. To get some ideas, please visit the National Park Service – The Great Smoky Mountains. I will share more about the Smoky’s and other places to visit in upcoming posts.

Encouragement with Charcot-Marie-Tooth

(C) Isaiah Jacobs

A friend of mine shared this Scripture with me a few weeks ago. I have several favorites and may have to add this one to mine.

As a man with Charcot-Marie-Tooth which seems to almost change daily, and not for the better, trusting in God and placing ALL of my cares on Him has been the greatest part of my life.

If you would like to learn more about being a Christian, please visit “Peace With God!”