Happy Father’s Day!

(C) 2022, Isaiah Jacobs

Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s in this awesome universe. Whether you are the father of your own children, a step-father, or a man who steps into that role for a child or two. Since I am a dog and cat lover at heart, always like to wish the animal father’s a “Happy Father’s Day” too.

My father passed away seven years ago now. I miss him and think of him often so I find myself glad that I spent time enjoying his company throughout our lives together. As society seems to make fathers to be less important than they really are, I like to think of the many teachings and gifts my father gave me as a child.

A teaching I will always cherish and be forever grateful for is my father taught me about God, Christianity, and the Bible. He made sure we knew about God, and took us to church every Sunday, Wednesday night, and revival services. He made sure my brother and I knew about heaven and the choice we had to make before we died. And, that we don’t know when death will come so we shouldn’t put it off. The choice? Where we want to spend eternity. It’s our choice. God will not force His Will on us so we decide. What would it be, heaven or hell? As a Christian, I am thankful for God’s Love for me and grateful my father showed me the way.

An indirect gift from my father was his love for music. He liked to joke that I was born during the playing of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture but I never figured out how he had music playing while I was being born. Anyway, he played a lot of classical music, church music, and Southern Gospel, especially Bill Gaither, around the house. Over the years, I have gotten to where I love my classical music playing whenever I am working or reading. I enjoy church music and Southern Gospel music and usually play it when doing my gardening, household chores, or cleaning my studio. Also, for me, music is a good retreat from the chaos of life. I have found that when I stress if I turn on some classical music, my body will often relax.

There are many memories of my father that I could write about for many pages of text. I hope you have an awesome day with your father. If you aren’t able to get together with your father, be sure to give him a call to him know you love him. If you aren’t speaking to your father for whatever reason, whoever’s fault it is, get over it and give him a call. Life is too short not to share the love with your father. For those, like me, whose father has gone to heaven with Jesus, reflect on the good memories of your father as the day goes on. Maybe you know someone whose children live across the country and cannot get together with them. Why not take them to lunch?

Happy Father’s Day. May you have a blessed day!