Black Friday Sales and Charcot-Marie-Tooth

“Black Friday Savings Sale!”
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

When I was younger, many decades ago now, I enjoyed going shopping to find the perfect Christmas presents for friends and family. In later years, especially for my wife. However, each year it became more challenging for me to go to the malls and shop. As most people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) know, the disease is progressive and always changing adding a new challenge.

In the early years of life, I didn’t understand that these changes were happening nor did I realize that they would cause everyday tasks or stuff like Christmas shopping to become so challenging. Of course, this was back in the day when there wasn’t as much information about CMT as we only had what the doctors knew. I remember looking it up in the encyclopedia to find a short paragraph.

My type of CMT causes issues with the nerves. Yes, most of CMT does that, but some types have more nerve-based problems. Now that I understand that, I am understanding why finding a parking place and going shopping at the malls or stores have become so challenging. It literally is an exhaustingly tiring task which is a chore to do. Make sense? At first, I thought it was that I was getting lazy or even apathetic.

So what to do? Back decades ago, I would plan to get my Christmas shopping done early with the goal of having it all done by December 1 at the latest. This worked great! I didn’t have the crowds to maneuver nor was finding a parking place a challenge. I could easily go to the stores or mall and shop and leave.

However, over the years my health progressively got worse and it became more of a challenge to go to the malls or other stores too. Of course, I was hugely blessed by being able to go with someone else. I needed to begin finding a much easier way to purchase gifts.

For a few years, as physical challenges became a problem, I bought many friends gift cards to their favorite stores. That worked for most people, but there were always a few who were insulted because they didn’t understand my issues about shopping. And, I have always kept my health issues personal. Cash can work too.

A few years ago, I began to realize that shopping online was a great resource for people like me who find going to the stores very challenging. I can usually pick out what I want without too much hassle. I like that I can view the product, read the descriptions, and in some cases read reviews from others who purchased. Of course, you have to be careful with that because some people complain about everything and give bad reviews or comments just to do so. I use the comments when I am not sure if a product is what I want. Sometimes it helps. For a few people, I will ask them if they show me what they would like online. I like that I can order it and have it delivered to my home. These days, in most cases, you can save the shipping and handling charges and pick it up in the parking lot of the store. Picking up at the store keeps you from having to walk through the store and there are usually plenty of parking spaces reserved for online orders.