Merry Christmas!

(C) 2020, Isaiah Jacobs

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I enjoy the Christmas season with all its decorations and beautiful music. I have quite a few memories of Christmases from my childhood with my parents who made the season a special time. My parents taught me that Christmas is more than gifts and decorations.

Most of all, I am very thankful for the Birth of Jesus Christ, for His saving me from my sins, and for the Promise of eternal life in heaven when I die. The Christmas season to me is a celebration of His Birth, especially Christmas Day! The greatest Christmas Gift ever was God sending His Son Jesus as a Baby to be born on earth and live among people. At the early age of 36, Jesus was crucified on a rugged cross for our sins. It’s hard for me to believe that God or Jesus would care enough for me and where I spend eternity to do that for me. BUT, He did.

A great resource to learn more about God’s Plan of Salvation for man is Peace With God.