Happy Valentine’s Day!

(C) 2023, Isaiah Jacobs

Don’t forget to say “I LOVE YOU!” to those who you love on this Valentine’s Day. The day is a good reminder that we should get into the habit of saying that every single day, not just once a year when the holiday comes around.

My wife and I will not do much to celebrate the day today because we originally planned to go to a Bible Study which ended up being canceled for tonight. Either way, we rarely celebrate special days on the exact day of the event because there’s usually something going on at that time. For example, celebrating a birthday during the work week isn’t convenient for us so we celebrate it the weekend before or the one after. For Valentines Day, we have dinner and a Christian comedy show planned on Friday night. We can be out late, if we want, and sleep in the next day.

I hope you have an awesome Valentine’s Day with those your love.