Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Christmas

“Merry Christmas!”
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

What do Christmas and Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) have in common? Not much actually. However, the stress of the holidays, and the days leading up to it, can make you so tired you’ll want to sleep through it.

My brother used to work some long hours during the Christmas Season to make sure his customers had everything they wanted and more. It was commendable of him and his customers loved him. However, what was not known or seen was how much it all worn him out.

Unfortunately, for me and the rest of the family, he would be too tired to celebrate Christmas with us. He would, invariably every Thanksgiving and Christmas, sleep through the day. He had CMT too. I believe that it caused him to be very tired so he needed a lot of rest when he could get it.

Christmas comes but once a year. We never know what the future will hold. Family and friends will not always be around. If you have elderly parents, they may not be around next Christmas. Not to be gloom and doom, but something to think about. We should spend the time with those we love now, not put it off.

Why not get some extra rest before Christmas Day? Maybe go to bed early? Have a friend help you with the last-minute details for Christmas? Would family and friends be willing to celebrate Christmas later in the day so you can join them? Those are a few ideas to help you enjoy the day and your friends and family to enjoy YOU.